What Are the Requirements for Suboxone Treatment Programs?

Question by lil mama: What are the requirements for Suboxone treatment programs?
A friend of mine wants to get treatment for addiction, he is thinking of Suboxone. What all does this entale?

Best answer:

Answer by lizanull
Suboxone is a very powerful drug but addiction specialists are seeing some good results with it. It takes away that craving sensation and the withdrawal that is usually horrible when you don’t have your narcotics, Suboxone keeps that under control as well.

Your friend should look for a doctor who can prescribe and treat him with Suboxone.

You have to be in full-blown withdrawal to be given Suboxone. Otherwise you get this opposite effect and you can get really really sick from it.

Tell your friend to call his local methadone program and see if they can suggest a physician in his area who can treat with Suboxone.

Wish him good luck for me, addiction to painkillers is a terrible problem to have.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!



Ibogaine suboxone addiction treatment – 2 year suboxone use and prior heroin use treated using ibogaine for addiction interruption at Awakening in the Dream


Ankle Clonus a Simple Way to Identify Serotonin Syndrome

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

Presented here at the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAP) 23rd Annual Meeting & Symposium, the study showed that 43% of patients attending a single burprenorphine clinic had mild to moderate serontonin syndrome. Dr. Shawn Cassady. "The …
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