Teenage Alcoholism and Drug Treatment for Parents
Teenage Alcoholism and Drug Treatment for Parents – Christy Alten-Osmera, Director Adolescent Unit, talks to parents about what to expect in the first week of their child’s treatment.
Editorial: We must act to restrict guns from the mentally ill
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act
First, the vast majority of those with mental illness are no more likely to commit acts of violence than the general public. … "We see eight to 20 patients in the emergency center every night requiring substance abuse treatment, psychiatric treatment …
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Heroin addicts 'use other drugs'
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act
There are an estimated 20,000 heroin addicts in Ireland, with 10,000 men and women on a methadone programme and just 38 detox beds nationwide for treatment. The study of 388 drug users who use the charity's needle exchange programme in Dublin …
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