Helping a Heroin Addict | Tony’s Story of His Son’s Heroin Addiction – My Treatment My Choice


Helping a heroin addict | Tony’s story of his son’s heroin addiction – My Treatment My Choice – Damien became heroin dependent aged 21, an addiction which ultimately ended with his death. Hear Damien’s father Tony tell his story and reflect on his feeli…


EHS focuses on substance abuse

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Several local substance abuse prevention groups are teaming up this month to host alcohol and drug prevention events for the annual National Substance Abuse Prevention Month. Drug and alcohol prevention efforts kicked off last Friday at Edwardsville …
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Our critics recommend…

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

Don Jon *** Joseph Gordon-Levitt writes, directs, and stars in this tale of a North Jersey Lothario who has his whole life under control – including his addiction to porn. Enter Scarlett Johansson. If there's a problem, it's that just about everybody …


Police abuses entire family

Filed under: drug abuse help for parents

KUALA LUMPUR: An Indian family from the Jinjang longhouse settlement seeks justice over an arrest due to some drugs which were found in their neighbour's premises. A police report was …. Seager also wrote in the note, which he thought would be the …
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