What Do You Think About This Woman (Recreational Drug Question Involving Small Children)?
Question by Texas Raised: What do you think about this woman (recreational drug question involving small children)?
I know this woman who works for a place that does interventions and helps kid of parents on drugs…and takes kids from drug abusing parents. This is the kicker…she herself has 3 little kids and does drugs every day (almost) with her husband (coke, pills, crack, weed). But to just meet her you would never guess that she is that kind of person. Just wondered what your thoughts were on this situation. It makes me soooooooo mad that she does this. I know her business is none of mine but it burns me to no end because she is a hipocrate and fooling everyone!
Best answer:
Answer by vashtielf
Not all drug users are rolling in the gutter and mugging people. There are many who live normal lives – just like people who use tobacco and alcohol.
If her habit doesn’t impair her life or endanger the children in her care, it really is no business of yours. In fact, I’d say that as a user herself, she’s likely in an excellent position to help addicts.
Answer by jaffa
She is so hypocritical.
how can she use drugs herself and then take peoples children away for do the same thing.
none of my business but would have to be phoning the company anonymously and making light of the situation.
hope this helped.
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