What Causes Drug and Alcohol Addiction?
What Causes Drug and Alcohol Addiction? – In this video Dr. Mike Marino examines the causes of and effective treatment for substance abuse and addiction problems.
Poisoning is now the leading cause of death from injuries in the United States
Filed under: causes of drug addiction
One fascinating topic covered is how the brain continuously desires the drug of choice once it feeds the “reward” portion of the brain that causes addiction: “Our brains are wired to ensure that we will repeat life-sustaining activities by associating …
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Creating Domestic Drug Addicts
Filed under: causes of drug addiction
But although deaths by illegal drugs are usually high profile cases, prescription painkillers are associated with more than 15,000 deaths a year. The domestically-bred prescription drug addictions are causing ripples along the entire chain of …
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Painkiller abuse by kids way up
Filed under: causes of drug addiction
… boost belly fat. Menopause does not cause weight gain, but it does increase belly fat, according to a new study. Menopause does not cause weight gain, but it does increase belly fat, according to a new study. … Painkiller abuse by kids way up …
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