How Do You Go About Reporting a Doctor?

Question by Izzy: How do you go about reporting a doctor?
Two friends of mine go to a doctor who specializes in addiction. He prescribes suboxone which is a drug you are only to stay on for a few months along with counseling. The problem is my friends have been going to him for years and getting as many prescriptions as they want and not going to counseling. He charges $ 100 every time they go. I feel this doctor is hurting them not helping. Is there a way I can have him investigated?

Best answer:

Answer by rain
yes. call your state medical board and explain the situation. they can point you in the right direction.

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BioDelivery Sciences Provides Business Update and Summary of Third Quarter

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

"This has been a year of remarkable progress, having made key strides with our lead product candidates – BEMA Buprenorphine for the treatment of chronic pain and BNX for the treatment of opioid dependence," said Dr. Mark A. Sirgo, President and Chief …
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Side Effect Work-Up

Filed under: addiction help with suboxone

A patient recently contacted me to complain that he was experiencing withdrawal symptoms for several hours after each dose of Suboxone. I will describe my thought process, in case the description helps someone else experiencing similar symptoms. My …
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