Alcoholic’s Brain Reacts Totally Differently to Alcohol and the Same for People Addicted to Drug or Sex?

Question by Moreris: Alcoholic’s brain reacts totally differently to alcohol and the same for people addicted to drug or sex?
Quote One thing that is sure, an alcoholic’s brain reacts totally differently to alcohol than that of a social drinker.Quote

What do you mean ? Can some on elaborate on this?

Note Some doctors believe the DRD2 gene causes some people to be prone to drugs ,drinking ,partying and sex .Not sure how this ties in with the above .

Best answer:

Answer by Mr. Awesome
Yes, because when you’re addicted to something. That means that’s the only thing that can give you happiness,nothing else can make you that happy ever.
Like when you’re addicted to drugs, during the initial stage your receptors work properly i.e they are transmitted from one neuron to the other, imagine two pipes in front of you separated by a very small distance, they’re neurons.
a ball is thrown from one pipe to other, that’s your impulse,it tells the brain how good you’re feeling.
When you do a lot of drugs or anything else, the other pipe gets blocked and the impulse doesn’t flow forward. Thus your brain feels less high.
And so, for you to feel a high, that happiness, you need it( here it is the addiction) to feel normal.
Hence your brain reacts in that way.

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Saint Jude Retreats Reviews "My Strange Addiction" Show

Filed under: drug addiction quotes

"My Strange Addiction" reveals a person's journey to overcoming their addiction and in some cases talks about former drug or alcohol use, that has apparently caused them to develop these bizarre behaviors. The Saint Jude Program has … Michelle Dunbar …
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