Any Ideas for a Title for a College Research Paper?
Question by M R: Any ideas for a title for a college research paper?
I am researching the effects of prescription drug abuse on pain management programs in the United States. The possible conclusion to my paper indicates that the stigma of drug addiction prevents chronic pain patients from utilizing proper resources (like a controlled program, other treatment options) thus putting them at risk for developing an addiction (whether it is alcohol/analgesic/narcotic dependency). I need to conduct more research but I need to submit a paper proposal…. and I need a title! Suggestions would be appreciated.
Best answer:
Answer by DrIG
The affect of drug addiction fear on the obtaining or receiving and using adequate drug treatments./
What do you think? Answer below!
Drug Abuse: A Comprehensive Approach – – Drug Abuse: A Comprehensive Approach – Discover the best treatment options for you. Call our Toll-Free Substance Abuse Recovery …
Utah considers creating more veterans ' courts
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A group of lawmakers and community members met Wednesday at the state capitol to discuss the idea of creating more of these specialty courts that aim to treat the causes of behavior that may land a veteran in court, such as substance abuse or PTSD. The …
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Abuser gets prison, loses right to own gun
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Assistant U.S. Attorney Frank Papagni asked for a term of almost four years, but federal District Judge Ann Aiken said she wanted to give Wilhelm a chance to make good on his pledge to get treatment for alcohol abuse, mend his ways and become a decent …
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