CTN Webinar: Identifying, Reporting, and Resolving Adverse Events in CTN Trials.


CTN Webinar: Identifying, Reporting, and Resolving Adverse Events in CTN Trials. – This one-hour webinar, produced by the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network (CTN) Clinical Coordinating Center for CTN members and the public, provides guidelines on methods that have improved adverse event and serious adverse event identification and reporting in behavioral trials. The webinar includes discussion of the clinical and regulatory importance of monitoring safety in research studies; process recommendations for identifying, reviewing, reporting, and resolving safety events; and information about who is resonsible for what, and what resources are available to facilitate the process. The target audience includes novice and experienced CTN or other research staff working in community treatment programs in the substance abuse field. Presented by Blake Apple (University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, TX Node), Maria Campanella, RN, BSN (EMMES Corporation), and Robert Lindblad, MD (EMMES Corporation). For more resources related to this webinar, as well as other webinars in this series, visit: ctndisseminationlibrary.org


The biggest health stories of 2012

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After years of public outcry about the poor nutritional quality of public-school lunches, Michelle Obama and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) unveiled the first revisions to the National School Lunch Program in 15 years. Now on the menu …
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Troubling trend for vets

Filed under: drug treatment programs in texas

As the Texas newspaper reported, the VA has periodically studied suicide rates among those who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the government agency has done far less to understand other causes of death, including drug overdoses. … over in Iraq …
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