Drug Addiction & Alcoholism Treatment
Drug Addiction & Alcoholism Treatment – Nishan Foundation is registered with Government of Pakistan and is a leading state-of-the-art in drug addiction and alcoholism rehabilitation services. Our belief is, with an attitude of humility we are better able to develop inward serenity. Nishan Foundation’s subsidiary named Nishan Center deals as a drug addiction and attitudinal healing facility. Our vision is to create a relaxed, compassionate environment where teens and adults from diverse backgrounds and all socio-economic standings can feel safe, supported and strong in dealing with challenging life issues. Nishan Foundation focuses on providing the most effective, evidence-based treatment, exceeding expectations by paying close attention to key therapeutic principles.
Remembrance Sunday – Our wounded warriors: The abandoned soldier & the …
Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment
Vast numbers will see their lives destroyed by alcohol and drug abuse as they try to self-medicate against horrific memories of what they have seen and done in the name of Queen and country. Many will end up homeless or in jail. In the most extreme …
Read more on The Independent
The end of the war on marijuana
Filed under: principles of drug addiction treatment
Parents, as they help prepare their children for the choices they face concerning marijuana, will no longer be hobbled by misinformation about the drug and the absence of effective supports to encourage abstinence. Roger A. … Moreover, by borrowing …
Read more on CNN