Federal Drug Crime Attorney Kent, NY (888) 421-7722 New York
Federal Drug Crime Attorney Kent, NY (888) 421-7722 New York — If you’ve been charged with a federal drug crime, either in the Eastern District or the Southern District of New York, your biggest concern is the penalties….
Counties would regulate meth meds under House bill
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — West Virginia's 55 counties would have the option to pass ordinances to reduce methamphetamine labs by requiring a prescription for cold medications used to make meth, under legislation up for a passage vote in the House of …
Read more on Charleston Gazette
A man who lost £25000 on high-stakes betting machines has called for them to …
Martin Power, of Ramsgate, Kent, told BBC reporter Simon Jones the machines were as addictive as drugs. But Peter Craske, from the Association of British Bookmakers, said most people bet about £7.55 and played for about 20 minutes, and there were …
Read more on BBC News
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