How Do I Beat a Drug Addiction Without Counselling or Programs?

Question by : how do i beat a drug addiction without counselling or programs?
well to begin, im 29, female and addicted to crack cocaine. Please dont judge me, im not a bad person. I just went through a rough time in my life. I want to get clean more than anything in the world. I just don’t know how to go about it in fear of hurting my family and the ones i love, because they dont know about my problem. If anyone out there can give me any ideas on a way to do this on my own it would be greatly appreciated. I really need this. My life is going nowhere and im almost 30! Please…i`m open to all ideas.

Best answer:

Answer by Annie M
Well there is anonymous meetings you can go to which you family wont find out about. And you really have to want to stop to be able to stop. Don’t hang out with the people who are into drugs it will just make you want to do drugs with them. And maybe resolve the reason why you started drugs will help you stop doing them.

Answer by slimthug
its a tough thing to do by yourself because you have to go through detox and everyting and get the shit outta your system so this means you have to stay clean for a while. The best way to go about it is to go to a rehab facility. and then you have to pretty much get all of the people that do those drugs and make you want to do those drugs out of your life or you will just succomb to the pressure and temptation to smoke crack. I think if you want to try it by yourself you have to just take it one day at a time. just tell yourself you wont smoke crack today and ill do it tomarrow. then the next day comes say you’ll do it tomarrow. Its gonna be extremely hard with out going to rehab though for atleast a little while.

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