How Does Alcohol or Drug Abuse Affect the Individual and Their Family?

Question by tearsofaclown: How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the individual and their family?
How does alcohol or drug abuse affect the user and their family? How do they feel? What do they do? What can they do?

Best answer:

Answer by Julia III
The family feels scared, helpless and confused. The only help for the addict is to enter a residential treatment program. From my experience, out-patient doesn’t work, counseling alone doesn’t work and suboxone alone doesn’t work. Get the patient into a treatment center. At least there will be hope again.

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Macklemore talks Otherside, Lil Wayne, Substance Abuse, Seattle Hip Hop and more – Exclusive in-depth interview with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis at Paid Dues. In part 1 Macklemore talks to Nick Huff Barili about Seattle Hip Hop, early influences, how the “Gateways” program impacted his life, looking up to Lil Wayne, lean aka sizzurp and its negative effects, substance abuse and how it led to him writing the song Otherside, how he and Ryan Lewis started working together and much more. Make sure you watch this Wednesday for Part 2 of our interview with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. Trust us we are just getting started! Subscribe to for our latest videos, including our interview with Mac Miller. You can also follow us at and @Hardknocktv @NickHuff on twitter.


Renewing the fight against Rx drug abuse

Filed under: drug abuse

Recently, I announced the re-launch of the bipartisan Congressional Caucus on Prescription Drug Abuse. The goal of the Caucus is to raise awareness of abuse and to develop innovative and effective treatment, prevention, law enforcement and research …
Read more on The Fayette Tribune


Student Substance Abuse in East Lyme is Lower than Average But High For

Filed under: drug abuse

East Lyme Board of Selectmen heard a presentation last night from Sarah Butterfield of the town's Youth Services Department about student drug use. The survey, which is self-reported by students and was conducted last spring, is a mixed bag of good and …


From Twitter:

RT @BestofPisces: #Pisces are vulnerable to drug use, even sleeping pill abuse. – by verdiikurnia (Verdii)


From Twitter:

RT @OMGFactsCelebs: Ozzy Osbourne’s entire genome has been analyzed by scientists to determine how he survived decades of extreme drug a … – by ilacapu (ilaria*)


From Twitter:

Attorney General Host Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention in Bullitt and Marion Counties: FRANKFORT, Ky. (1/18/13… – by surfhopkins (SurfKY Hopkins)