How Many of You Have Parents With a Drug/ Alcohol Addiction?
Question by Rileyrenee: How many of you have parents with a drug/ alcohol addiction?
Please tell what they are addicted to and what age you are as well as your parent[s]?
Best answer:
Answer by Dave
My dad has been an alcoholic for pretty much his whole life. He suffers from anxiety/depression, had a pretty rough child mood but refuses to get some professional help, instead he drinks his problems away. He works full-time but after hours, all he does is drink. I’m 24 and my dad is about 56 i think.
Answer by I Love Richard KHC
My parents are functioning alcoholics, but they are still alcoholics, and they also smoke pot but I don’t really consider that an addiction. I am now 26 my parents are 48 and 50.
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