KFW | Physical Emotional Spiritual Healing Within | 651.490.3347 | Part 2 | Shoreview MN


KFW | Physical emotional spiritual Healing Within | 651.490.3347 | Part 2 | Shoreview MN – www.healingwithinmn.com Tina Rosenquist, creator and host of Knowledge For Wellness, interviews Kristin Burich CT (Colon Therapist) and Barbara McIntyre, business partner in Healing Within Wellness Center, about colon hydrotherapy. The interview answers some of the following questions. What is colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is referred to as colon irrigation, colonics, colon therapy or high enemas. Regardless of the name, they all refer to the use of water for internal cleansing of the colon (large intestines), without the use of drugs or chemicals. What are common symptoms of intestinal toxicity? Fatigue; constipation; excess weight; stomach bloat; gas; bad breath; coated tongue; body odor; skin problem; lower back pain; depression; poor memory; weakened immune system and feeling lethargy. What exactly does colon hydrotherapy accomplish? Colon hydrotherapy is a process of removing fecal material from the colon and diluting the bacteria and toxic concentrations in the large intestines (colon). The therapeutic effects are: improved muscle tone which facilitates peristaltic action and enhances the absorption of nutrients, while minimizing the absorption of toxic waste material. What can I expect from colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is not a cure, but a valuable procedure used to assist the body with the reversal of a wide variety of health conditions, known to stem from improper diet and elimination habits. The therapy should be considered a preventative and


No. 6 Story of the Year: MH Man with Alleged White Supremacist Connections

Filed under: Drug Use Minnesota

According to a report by the Associated Press, Thomas said he tried to get weapons to use against "left-wing individuals. … Several agencies were involved in the investigation, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Joint Terrorism Task …
Read more on Patch.com


Year in Review: Quotations of the Year

Filed under: Drug Use Minnesota

“On the driver's side of the trailer, Diesel alerted by sniffing intensely and sniffed to the bottom rear side of the trailer, and then he sniffed intensely at the left rear trailer door and began to scratch as an indication to drug odor.” — Steele …
Read more on Albert Lea Tribune


Hooked on opiates: Doctors face quandary of relieving pain, without feeding

Filed under: Drug Use Minnesota

In Minnesota, officials expect that unintentional poisoning/drug deaths soon will exceed the number of motor vehicle traffic deaths, the report said. "Over the past decade the increased nonmedical use of prescription drugs, in particular prescription …
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