Perscription Drug Addiction?
Question by Jessica.RIP.CHAD!: perscription drug addiction?
i used to be a meth addict about 4 years ago (i was addicted for 2.5 years). After that i was perscribed Lexapro 20mg once daily, Welbutrin SR 150mg twice daily. Now i take that plus a nightly birth control pill, about 5-6 Vicodin/daily (the “doubleshot” ones) and if i don’t have those i take my friends Adderall about 2 times a day. I know this sounds stupid but, i am going to die if i don’t stop soon huh?
Best answer:
Answer by Rocker Chick
Yes, the Vicodin could kill your liver if you dont stop, because it is TOXIC in high doses. Also the adderall is like speed to those who dont have ADHD.
I have Adhd, and I take adderall and Lexapro for medical purposes.
Answer by SirRob
You may die soon with or without taking those medications.
In any case, the acetominopen in the vicodin es are likely damaging your liver, particularly when combined with the other meds. I am unfamilar with Adderall.
If you can wean from methadone, then you can kick the vicodin. Do it now.
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