Right-Wing Politics … Another Bastion of Misandry
Right-wing politics … another bastion of misandry – my website mengoingtheirownway.com bernards video www.youtube.com statistics on nonviolent offenders bjs.ojp.usdoj.gov excerpt from “30 years of american drug war” timeline with link below -Reagan signs an enormous omnibus drug bill, which appropriates .7 billion to fight the drug crisis. million is allocated to build new prisons, 0 million for drug education and 1 million for treatment. The bill’s most consequential action is the creation of mandatory minimum penalties for drug offenses. Possession of at least one kilogram of heroin or five kilograms of cocaine is punishable by at least ten years in prison. In response to the crack epidemic, the sale of five grams of the drug leads to a mandatory five-year sentence. Mandatory minimums become increasingly criticized over the years for promoting significant racial disparities in the prison population, because of the differences in sentencing for crack vs. powder cocaine.- www.pbs.org Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 en.wikipedia.org article showing 2009 higherst rate of suicides since records being kept and surpassing again in 2011 themilitarysuicidereport.wordpress.com facebook www.facebook.com twitter twitter.com blogger barbarossaa-male-sovereignty.blogspot.com tumblr barbarossaaaa.tumblr.com
The age of
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act
Obama signs the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law. Jump to … There is one known treatment: exercise. “It is the best benefit a physician can recommend,” Factora said. “There is no drug that can present as many benefits as exercise …
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NRA: 250000 New Members In Month Since Newtown Shooting
Filed under: drug addiction treatment act
[Dianne] Feinstein opens her mouth and they talk about gun bans and restricting the rights of law abiding Americans, people pay attention to that and sign up," Andrew Arulanandam, the NRA's public affairs director, told US News. According to …. Libor …
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