Should Parents Be More Concerned About Weed or Prescription Drugs When It Comes to Their Children?
Question by Joe B: Should parents be more concerned about weed or prescription drugs when it comes to their children?
In today’s society from your personal opinion, which is more popular and which should the government be concerned about?
Clearly in the past it was weed, do you believe this should remain the focal point of the governments propaganda or should they shift to prescription drug abuse?
I know when I was a kid we had anti drug lessons in health but I don’t recall anything regarding prescription drugs.
Best answer:
Answer by rejectedsoul
both equally
both are illegal just the same
both are dangerous drugs
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Collaboration Needed to Address Prescription Drug Abuse and Access Issues …
Filed under: prescription drug abuse
Partisanship usually gets the blame when Washington fails to muster an appropriate governmental response to the nation's challenges. But when it comes to confronting prescription drug abuse, the divide within the government is caused not by the culprit …
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Trio robs woman of prescription drugs in Towson [Crime Log]
Filed under: prescription drug abuse
A trio robbed a woman of a bag containing presciption drug at 4:50 p.m. on July 25 in the 1200 block of Putty Hill Avenue, police report. Arrested and charged with robbery were Jillian McDonnel, 30, of the 1800 block of Steven Drive in Edgewood, and …
Read more on Baltimore Sun
Prescription drugs to be cheaper as government claws back chemist profits
Filed under: prescription drug abuse
PATIENTS will save hundreds of dollars a year on the cost of prescription medicines as the government speeds up its clawback of the massive profits chemists make on generic drugs. The measure in yesterday's economic statement will also save taxpayers …
Mississippi agents working more prescription drug abuse cases than cocaine …
Filed under: prescription drug abuse
Over the past dozen years, the number of Americans taking powerful prescription painkillers has nearly quadrupled. So have the deaths. These problems are affecting Mississippi, where narcotics agents are now working more prescription drug cases than …
Read more on Jackson Clarion Ledger (blog)