Substance Abuse Treatment for My Friends Friend?
Question by [email protected]: Substance abuse treatment for my friends friend?
Ny friend is only 37 years old and she has the responsibility of taking care of her mother who is 79 years old. But she also has a sister 54 years old w/ multiple mental diagnosis and on top of that she
drinks very a lot. Right now her sister is in jail for hitting my friend. We live in the Naperville are in Illinois. They are able to afford any treatment . The problem is that they have exhausted all the agencies around this area for the sister. Last night my friend was telling me to help her find a residential treatment even if is out of the State.
Again , they ae able to pay and the sister has medicare plus other money. Obviously her sister has to be on medications for her mental illnesses. Therefore is not just the drinking that is the problem.
Please help. My friend is crying and the mother is mad at her because she blames her for putting her sister in jail. The environment at my friends home is very depressing. Please help.
Best answer:
Answer by gazeygoo
The sister needs to ask the jail for assistance from county personnel, they can connect her to the proper care. Usually mental health will provide this service.
Answer by Edward
Dear Rosecanzaro,
I’m sorry to hear about the difficulties going on in your friend’s family. I empathize with her and have a similar family history. I am a recovering person as well, and having gone through treatment (which is only the beginning) and remained sober and actively involved in the recovery community for the last twenty-seven years, I am very familiar with the turmoil associated with addiction and other mental health issues. Probably THE most difficult issue is intervening in the ongoing illness process of another person and trying to help them come to the conclusion that they need help. No recovery is possible if they are not convinced and willing. Very tough. But possible.
Anyway, the best information that I could find for you to pass on to your friend is the telephone number and web address for Hazelden Treatment Center. They are located just outside of Minneapolis, and, in my opinion they are one of the very best treatment centers in the country. They have been around for over thirty years are well respected for their quality of care and success in treating alcoholism/addiction and mental illness. Their 24hr. toll free number is 866-545-6439, and their web address is They will send out an informational package about alcoholism(etc) right away after you call. I would also suggest that your friend look up the number in your town for Alcoholics Anonymous. They can send her information about alcoholism for her sister. In addition, she might want to contact the local office of Al-anon Family Groups. They can help your friend deal with the problems associated with living with an alcoholic.
Please pass on to your friend my encouragement and best wishes.
Take care,
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