Whats a Non Religious Way to Overcome Addiction?
Question by IAmYourDoG: Whats a non religious way to overcome addiction?
I Dont have an addiction. I was doing research on alcaholism, pornography, and drugs. On every single program, especially the 12 step program has religious bias which… Continue reading
What's Happening in New West? Events Calendar – April 9
What's happening in New West? Events calendar – April 9
Sessions are available at 6, 6:45 and 7:45 p.m. Book a one-on-one session with a librarian and receive individual help. Bring in your laptop, eReader, …. Naranon Support Group, a… Continue reading
How to Tell People I Need Help!?
Question by Musical: How to tell people I need help!?
I think I’m messed up.
I’m a 15 year old girl. Last year, I stopped eating because my parents would tell me I’m fat and stuff. And get… Continue reading
Are There Any Online Chat Rooms for Alcohol Addiction?
Question by kbfam: Are there any online chat rooms for alcohol addiction?
I have social anxiety and so its hard for me to pick up the phone and call a sponsor or something. I have been searching for online chat… Continue reading
What Is Drug Rehab Like?
Question by pond: What is Drug Rehab like?
My Mom just entered an inpatient rehab program today and I am just curious about what it is like. She has been addicted to cocaine for the past 8… Continue reading
URGENT. Alcoholism Treatment Programs?
Question by Caroline: URGENT. Alcoholism Treatment Programs?
My dad has a really serious problem. He’s always liked a drink but it was never serious until three or four years ago when he began to drink heavily. In… Continue reading
Does the Government Assist/subsidize Programs, Medication, Housing for Bipolar Disorder? (In Chicago)?
Question by theidiotsdonttellyouwhy: Does the government assist/subsidize programs, medication, housing for bipolar disorder? (in Chicago)?
I am in Chicago, in my 20s, unable to work because of the bad economy though I have a degree. So I can’t afford my… Continue reading
Does the Alcohol and Drug Treatment Center at Clear Lake Regional in the Houston Area Use the 12 Step Program?
Question by liz g: Does the alcohol and drug treatment center at Clear Lake Regional in the Houston area use the 12 step program?
I know someone going there and I was wondering if she is going to be introduced… Continue reading
How Can I Find Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centers in Yucca Valley, California?
Question by ahtziri s: How can I find alcohol addiction treatment centers in Yucca Valley, California?
My brother has been gobbling up way too much liquor for the past five months or so, and I’m terribly worried.… Continue reading
Liverpool Revealed as Drug Death Capital of England
Liverpool revealed as drug death capital of England
Liverpool is the drug death capital of England and sees more cocaine-related deaths than Greater London, a shocking new report revealed. There were 49 drug abuse deaths in 2012, according to figures… Continue reading