drug addiction help

Infant Drug Addiction Organizations?

Question by Karly R: Infant Drug Addiction Organizations?
I am currently working on a project for my Parent and Child development class. Its about a child and the effects cocaine can have on them at birth through early… Continue reading

San Antonio Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | San Antonio Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling

San Antonio Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | San Antonio Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling — San Antonio Drug Rehab Detox | 877-667-4695 | San Antonio Drug Abuse Intervention Counseling http://alcoholdrugrehabusa.blogspot.com Alcohol detoxification A…

Welfare drug screening stripped from Indiana bill… Continue reading

ABOUT DRUG ADDICTION in INDIA Please Read the Details Below?

Question by Aakash C: ABOUT DRUG ADDICTION IN INDIA please read the details below?
In Poor communities, ignorance and uneducation is too much, they fall into trap of drugs and they dont EVEN KNOW WHICH DRUG THEY ARE USING, there… Continue reading

Women’s Alcohol & Drug Treatment Centre Vancouver BC Women Into Healing

Women’s Alcohol & Drug Treatment Centre Vancouver BC Women Into Healing

Why does Vancouver have a crack pipe vending machine?
The polka-dotted crack pipe vending machine garnered headlines around the world. But it barely gets a second glance from… Continue reading

Bail Set at $250000, Tollefson Jailed on Charity Fraud Charges

Bail set at 0000, Tollefson jailed on charity fraud charges
When asked if he was addicted to drugs or alcohol, Tollefson said that he had been receiving treatment and that he had been sober for 131 days. … But other… Continue reading

Sannicandro: Rethinking Drugs and Incarceration

Sannicandro: Rethinking drugs and incarceration
In Massachusetts and across the country we incarcerate residents with substance abuse problems without addressing their addiction. There are a growing number of residents and policy makers in Massachusetts who believe it is time to… Continue reading

Rod, NSW – Helping People With Drug and Alcohol Problems to Thrive #Contributinglife

Rod, NSW – Helping people with drug and alcohol problems to thrive #contributinglife — A Contributing Life: the 2013 National Report Card on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention. Thriving, not just surviving: One person, diverse needs: Living with a mental… Continue reading

Flappy Bird Obsession Is Not Necessarily an Addiction

Flappy Bird obsession is not necessarily an addiction
All of us that work in the field of addiction have different definitions of what addiction actually is. When it comes to video games or gambling, we think about the problem in… Continue reading

Why Do a Lot of Schizophrenics Like to Smoke Cigarettes and Drink Coffee?

Question by ? Plea for Peace!: why do a lot of schizophrenics like to smoke cigarettes and drink coffee?
i’ve read that something like 90% of schizophrenics smoke cigarettes, and i’ve also heard that a large percentage drink a lot… Continue reading

Liverpool Revealed as Drug Death Capital of England

Liverpool revealed as drug death capital of England
Liverpool is the drug death capital of England and sees more cocaine-related deaths than Greater London, a shocking new report revealed. There were 49 drug abuse deaths in 2012, according to figures… Continue reading