Vita Nova Drugs Workshop
Vita Nova Drugs Workshop — Vita Nova is a Bournemouth based registered charity that works with people who have been through addiction and provide drug, alcohol and social issue based w…
Ketamine addict Anthony Stuart, of Huntingdon, hopes to lead… Continue reading
I Need to Find Drug Rehabs in Ojai, California. Help?
Question by catherine_ann: I need to find drug rehabs in Ojai, California. Help?
I’m doing a research for one of my classes and it entails getting information about drugs and drug treatment programs. I thought I’d interview people… Continue reading
Chris Matthews Paints Ron Paul as Racist on Hardball
Chris Matthews Paints Ron Paul As Racist On Hardball — Ron Paul’s appearance on Hardball 5/13/2011. Ron Paul’s position on the 1964 civil rights bill, heroin and prostitution are brought up by Chris Matthews. Due…
Barriers Remain Despite Health Law's… Continue reading
OPINION: Royals Take the Crown as Role Models for Society
OPINION: Royals take the crown as role models for society
It's highly unlikely that we will ever see Wills admitting himself into rehab after an alcohol and drug-fuelled meltdown in a public place. Kate is equally as unlikely to …… Continue reading
Heroin Use in South Carolina
Heroin Use in South Carolina
The state Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services' figures covering the 10 years from 2003 to 2012 show, for example, that in 2012 there were 27,344 people who entered a treatment center in… Continue reading
Looking for a Free Drug Rehab?
Question by bobbie: looking for a free drug rehab?
my husband wants to find a free drug rehab in johnson county or closeby anyone know anything he is addicted to loratabs pops… Continue reading
Cody Lewis' Heroin Story: $100-a-Day Addict Turns Life Around at 21
Cody Lewis' heroin story: 0-a-day addict turns life around at 21
He is in his 20s, lives in the suburbs — two traits that fit a growing number of users — and graduated to heroin after years of getting high… Continue reading
Should I Tell My Friend Why She Didn’t Get Hired for a Job?
Question by United Healthcare is greedy: Should I tell my friend why she didn’t get hired for a job?
My friend & I work for United Healthcare, it’s an awful place. Mandatory overtime, very poor benefits, very stressful. My friend… Continue reading
Oklahoma Drug Rehab Centers | Alcohol Rehab Oklahoma | Oklahoma Drug Rehab Centers
Oklahoma Drug Rehab Centers | Alcohol Rehab Oklahoma | Oklahoma Drug Rehab Centers — Oklahoma Drug Rehab Centers help you get you life back. Alcohol Rehab Oklahoma help people in getting detox in Oklahoma, rec…
Jim Nantz with Florida's… Continue reading
Can I Find a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Ellinwood, Kansas?
Question by cassie: Can I find a drug and alcohol rehab in Ellinwood, Kansas?
Hello! I’m Cassie and I moved here in Ellinwood, Kansas just the other day with my family. I’m wondering if I could find a drug and… Continue reading