Mayor Rob Ford's Absence Main Event Behind-the-Scenes at Council
Mayor Rob Ford's absence main event behind-the-scenes at council
Earlier at city hall, the mayor's brother said Ford is doing well in a rehab program, but he would not say where his brother was being treated. “Due to confidentiality to… Continue reading
Dallas Drug Treatment Rehab | Drug Rehabs Dallas Texas | Dallas Drug Treatment Rehab
Dallas Drug Treatment Rehab | Drug Rehabs Dallas Texas | Dallas Drug Treatment Rehab — Dallas Drug Treatment Rehab, drug and alcohol rehabilitation center in dallas texas,alcohol drug rehabilitation centers in dallas…
Introducing Jeff Gage, the New Dallas Observer… Continue reading
Can I Send My Mother to Drug/alcohol Rehab?
Question by Megan M: Can I send my mother to drug/alcohol rehab?
Another thing is that she lost her job so that has made the situation a little worse, but my dad and I have been there for… Continue reading
California Lawmakers Face Divisive Bills, Special Session
California lawmakers face divisive bills, special session
Ed Hernandez of West Covina pulled a proposed constitutional amendment that would have reintroduced affirmative action into the college admissions process. The amendment passed the Senate but was pulled from consideration after a… Continue reading
Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment
Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
Of the 23.1 million Americans who needed treatment for drugs or alcohol in 2012, only 2.5 million people received aid at a specialty facility, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services… Continue reading
Where Can I Find Drug Rehabs in Los Angeles, California?
Question by ADAMARIS B: Where can I find drug rehabs in Los Angeles, California?
My dad have been a drug user since I was 12. Am so sad that I can’t spend some time bonding with him… Continue reading
Detox / Rehab? [Oralndo]?
Question by Princess Amanda42O: Detox / Rehab? [Oralndo]?
Does anyone know of a rehab/detox/behavioral health facility in Florida?
Preferably in the Orlando area.
[In advance]…I’m so thankful for any helpful / KIND info!
Yes, it is for myself. No, I’m… Continue reading
Could I Have Mastocytosis or MCAS?
Question by Rusty: Could I have Mastocytosis or MCAS?
I have struggled with gastrointestinal problems for years: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, weight loss, painful radiating abdominal cramps. I saw a pediatric gastroenterologist when I was an adolescent (I am now 22)… Continue reading
Fracking, Soda Warnings, and Fish Labeling: A Rundown of Bills California …
Fracking, soda warnings, and fish labeling: A rundown of bills California …
Ed Hernandez of West Covina pulled a proposed constitutional amendment that would have reintroduced affirmative action into the college admissions process. The amendment passed the Senate but was… Continue reading
New Painkiller Rekindles Addiction Concerns
New Painkiller Rekindles Addiction Concerns
Nearly half of the nation's 38,329 drug overdose deaths in 2010 involved painkillers like hydrocodone and oxycodone, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. These narcotics now kill more adults than heroin and… Continue reading