Would You Be in Favor of Living in a Society Like This?

Question by Bubba: Would you be in favor of living in a society like this?
At birth, everybody is temporarily sterilized (made incaple of reproducing). When they decide that they want a child, they must prove that they are free of drug addiction, have no serious medical defects that will be passed on, live a fairly healthy lifestyle with a stable income (stable enough to support a child), and take a parenthood competence test. Then they are desterilized and permitted to have children.

This would solve dozens of the world’s biggest problems
Obviously something like this would never pass in the US, but theoretically would you be in favor of this?

Best answer:

Answer by epicicity2012
Nope … the plan takes away the concept of ‘free will’ … turns everything into a government oversight ‘state’.

Some genetic ‘defects’ will not show up on medical tests. (We are basically infants when it comes to knowledge about genetics, even though it *seems* like we ‘know so much’. We don’t know jack, to use a slang phrase.)

Prove all of these things to whom, in this model? The ‘government’.

Who sets the rules as to what is a ‘fairly healthy lifestyle’ in this model?
The ‘government’.

The model is basically saying that everyone should give up their rights to make their own decisions to the ‘government’.

Yes, I agree that some are choosing to have many, many babies that they cannot afford. And who do they look for to take care of them? That’s right. The ‘government’.

I, obviously, disagree with the model because it takes away the right to make one’s own decisions and puts those decisions into the hands of some ‘government’ determination board or committee.

“No, you cannot have a child.” (We do not really like your dissenting attitude, even though you have a good job.)

“YES! You CAN have a child, because you kiss our a$ $ in everything we say or dictate. YOU are a GOOD citizen.”

That’s what I mean. 😉

Add your own answer in the comments!


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