WoW Addiction (Health and Safety)


WoW Addiction (Health and Safety) – Health and safety video produced by Level 3 students.


Sharp: My 10-day meditation retreat

Filed under: wow addiction help

His response of, “Wow, I am impressed” gave me thoughts of trepidation rather than pride. I understood this to mean it would not be easy. The only other research I did was …. Nothing seemed to help. I felt an anxiety about trying to go two hours …
Read more on Toledo Free Press


Baby reported missing found quickly inside home

Filed under: wow addiction help

I have seen what can happen to a child when the parent doesn't call for help but searches alone first then calls. this parent obviously loves the child and being that she was found inside the home in less than 10 minutes? KUDOS to the parent and law …
Read more on KPIC News


Bad day at work ? Man trouble ? A new outfit's the perfect pick – me – up

Filed under: wow addiction help

When I recounted this story to a friend, she said: 'Wow, it's like Selfridges was your church.' I have to face facts: this is an addiction. And Melanie Davis, head of the addiction treatment programme at The Priory Hospital, North London, seems to agree.
Read more on Daily Mail